“You cannot create a legacy for yourself,
until you create one for someone else”

Story Ideas for the Media

• Why women of color do not get the credit they deserve for their films
• Three ways we can change the landscape of filmmakers in the state of Idaho
• Why subtitles don’t need to be added – “no subtitles, please; I am speaking English…”
• Don’t rush to believe what you assume is the truth—history books are often wrong
• Is being a filmmaker, as cool as it sounds?
• How being a woman filmmaker is still a struggle in the 21 century
• Why the best cities to produce a film are not always metro markets
• Three ways women can change the world through their story
• Three ways communities are changing the world of film
• Why we need films that take the fear out of pandemics

Trailers & Shorts

Idaho's Forgotten War

Sofa Diaries

Tortillas & Fry Bread

Who's in your corner

Historical Impact of the "S" Word